Ever have those moments where you don't have a clue what you're doing in life?
People you just can't seem to figure out?
Chord charts you just can't seem to find?
Blogs that most people don't read?
Problems you just can't seem to solve?
Knuckles you just can't seem to crack?
Socks that just seemed to grow legs and walk away?
Cars that will never be perfect?
Bible verses that you can't figure out to save your life?
Song lyrics that you can't seem to finish?
Races that seem so far out of your grasp?
Physique that's just unattainable?
Understanding you just can't seem to find?
Mind games?
Voice of God vs. voice of reasoning vs. voice of flesh?
¿Amigos que están fuera, pero también dentro?
Facebook friends that you've never met?
Picture frames that still have no pictures?
Friends in other cities, states, countries?
Battery life that just never seems to cut it?
People that can't seem to let it go?
People that just don't understand?
Insecurity diced with confidence?
Books that still have to be read?
Walls that are still barren?
Never knowing what could/would have happened?
The outfit you've never worn?
The key that always sticks?
The piano that's out of tune?
Pillows without cases?
Health without insurance?
Broken strings?
Fixed items that can't be brought home?
This isn't me complaining, it's me being transparent. These are [random] things that people deal with and question. Yes, i am questioning, but not all of these are mine. But people will question, somewhere, one day. Ever just have those moments? Those ideas? Those questions? Those lost moments?
During these questions. You must ask yourself. Where are your priorities? What's most important to you from-out of-during-in life? Are these problems going to hold you down, or cause you to rise? Will you realize you have it better than 80%?
So, who are you? Who will you be?
Targets that are clear out of range can be shot at, but they will be missed.
Carpe diem.
Have you tried leaning on the everlasting arms, or coming to the Master as you are?
Jesus said follow Me, and let the dead bury their dead.
The birds of the air do not sew nor reap nor gather food in bards, for their heavenly Father feeds them.
The lilies of the field do not toil nor spin, and even Solomon was not arrayed as these.
"Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble" - Jesus