Jul 30, 2010


I'm learning. Every day.
How much God is calling me into further ministry.
Exactly what that is, I don't know. But it's searching for me, and I'm searching for it.
I can't get it out of my head.
I can't leave it out of my thoughts.
It stays in my mind.
All day.

Every day. My burden grows stronger, my senses heighten.
Everyone's flesh will: always be there. You can't pray not to have worldly desires, you have to pray how to deal with those.
One of the keys to life is to truly know yourself.
What stage you're in.
What makes you tick.
What makes you tock.
Your struggles.
Your strong points.

Currently, I'm working on falling in love with Jesus. Because without that, a love on earth will be less than successful.
Every day is a battle not to be part of the norm.
You must ask yourself if you're going to choose to be authentic, or choose to be accepted.
It's a thousand times more difficult to be authentic.
Will we fail? Um. Duh.
Should we stop after we fail? No.
The key to mistakes is waking up the next morning with intent to live a life of pure holiness, kind words, generous giving, and sheer dedication to live for Him.

I refuse to be a Christian atheist: to believe in God but live as if He doesn't exist.
It's scary how easy it is to live like that.

Keep on keepin' on.

Jul 23, 2010

trust, and learn.

About 4 months ago, I started listening to Dave Ramsey. He's the world's finest financial gurus and helps more people get out of debt than anybody can shake a stick at.
I'm currently not really in debt. Only thing I'm looking at is school loans that I will eventually start having to pay off, give or take a few years.
I may never be rich. But I refuse to stupidly live in debt. Especially when I'm older.
I cut up my credit card about two months ago, and I'm using more and more cash.
I'm saving. I'm being wise. I'm sticking more and more to my budget.
I don't want to live paycheck by paycheck.
I want to live willing to give, willing to save, willing to invest into the things of God with all of my resources.
Proverbs 22:7 states that "The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender."
I may not be rich, but I will definitely work my way up. If you can do simple math, you can figure out that if you invest properly, anybody can become rich in the end. I want to prepare for my future. I want to invest properly into my future AND the things of God. It's not that hard.

I don't know everything, but I'm sure as heck learning.

Jul 20, 2010


bible studies
marathon training
piano lessons
having a social life
youth music
district events.

yeah. something's gotta give.

Jul 16, 2010

Goals for this semester

1. Last semester, I wanted to bring 15 people to church with me. I failed, by only getting 6.
This semester, I will accomplish that goal of 15.

2. I want to extend my friend list in the area of culture. I want to reach out to minorities, especially the Hispanic and Asian people, of which many attend Oshkosh.

3. I will start the youth choir at church.

4. Get down to weight of 210 (which would be a total weight loss of 40 lbs in 2010)

5. Run a marathon. No, seriously.

6. Develop my daily devotions more. And stick with them.

7. Not argue as much with others (especially my family)

8. Complete the 8 books to read on my list.

9. Get at least a 3.75 this semester.

10. Live life as a true Christian. Inside and out.

Jul 12, 2010


Don't get upset when people correct you...when they stop correcting you, that means they've given up on you.

When people confront you, when people try to help you....listen.

Chances are, when you think everybody is wrong, they're right. And you're the wrong one.

Listen. Let people speak into your lives.

Tonight, I had one of those moments. I got confronted, I let that person speak.

Even when you don't want to listen, listen. Even when that person is somebody you don't wanna listen to, listen.

Maybe that person is the one thing keeping you in your right mind.


Listen until it hurts. Then listen some more.

But more than just listen to words. Listen for change. Listen to change. Listen so they can do what God called them to be, so you can be who God called you to be.

Who are you?

When you don't know you who are, you need to find out.

1. Take stock of your life. What are your obligations? What are your accomplishments? What are your failures? Be honest with yourself. All of these things make you who you are.

2. Where would you like to make changes? Are you happy in your present self? What areas can you improve on?

3. What gives you happiness? Learn to make time for yourself. Fill that time with things that make you happy. Find a hobby. Play with your kids. If going out to dinner is relaxing for you do it, if it's taking a really long shower, go for it.

4. What exactly do you believe in? Do you live your beliefs or just reaffirm them on Sunday morning? Take a few minutes in the morning and evening to pray and read your Bible. It's uplifting.

5. Be thankful!!! Remember, you are blessed. Through your experiences, opportunities, etc, you have been blessed by God.

You are what you make out of your life.