Aug 22, 2011

Piano Student Christians

I’ve been teaching piano lessons for almost a year now. Not gonna lie, it’s quite rewarding. Teaching is something that I thought I’d never do, but I actually enjoy it. I don’t think I’d consider it for a full time job, but who knows. 
After teaching for only a few months, I started to notice trends with how people treated lessons. I then began to notice a distinct comparison between a student and a Christian
The first type of student is the student who rarely comes to lessons. They have a time slot, but something always comes up. A forgotten appointment, a relative in town, a job mishap, a homework assignment, a lack of a ride to the lesson, or simply, they forgot. This student comes to lesson thinking they can cram a month’s work into a 30 minute lesson. They truly care about playing piano, but haven’t come to the point where they care about it enough to make it a priority. 
This is also a type of Christian. They rarely come to church. They have a place where they normally sit, they pay their tithes sometimes, but something always comes up. A forgotten appointment, a relative in town, a shift change at work, a homework assignment, a lack of a ride church, a cold, or simply put, they just didn’t feel like coming to church. This Christian thinks they can cram a whole month of the presence of God and Biblical teachings into one service. They truly want to live for God. They know what’s right. They just haven’t arrived to the point where it’s more important to them than anything else. 
The second type of student is the “eh” student. They come to lessons every week. They have their homework with them. They make sure I’m paid (or the parents do). They are there on time, ready to work. However, when the lesson starts, it’s obvious they haven’t done a single thing during the week to prepare for the lesson. They haven’t sit at a piano all week. They didn’t even take out their binder to look at the assignment I gave them. They somehow think they can improve at piano by just being in lessons. 
This is the lukewarm Christian. They come to church every week. They bring their Bibles with them every Sunday. They pay their tithes. They are at the church whenever the doors are open. However, when it really comes down to it, they haven’t done a single thing to improve their walk with God during the week. They haven’t prayed. They haven’t read their Bible. They haven’t applied the sermon to their life. They think that by simply being at church, they will somehow have a relationship with God. 

The third type of student is the devoted one. They are at lessons and rarely miss. They prioritize the lessons during the week. They work their appointments and other things going on around when they need to be at lessons. They practice during the week at home. They are texting/calling me to figure out chords and rhythms. They practice at church when there’s an open piano. You can hear them playing at church when nobody’s there. They are researching how to play songs they don’t know how to play. They are used elsewhere because they are improving. They ask questions when they don’t understand. They’re confident. They have it goin’ on.
This is the devoted Christian. A true Christ follower. They are at church and only miss when it’s out of their hands. They prioritize their walk with God. They work their personal lives around the things of God. They talk to God. They read their Bible. On a daily basis. They apply the sermons to their life. You can hear them praying at church when nobody’s there. They call people when they are struggling with something. They have mentors. They have a strong support system to lean on. They pray for God to use them. They are used. They diligently study to understand things they don’t know. They’re confident in who they are in Christ. These are the people who have it goin’ on. 
Which one of God’s students will you be?

Aug 20, 2011

Musical, unfailing.

Doing shows is always an interesting escapade. From the see how much stuff we can fit into one van to the lets put everything back in the van...again (never as fun), much happens. People laughing, having a great time. Changing songs in the set list. Biffing intros. Rocking songs we didn't even practice. Laughing at inside jokes in the middle of songs. Having your best friends in the audience. Giving money to an incredible organization. Introductions. Worshipping. Conversations. Video and picture taking. Catching glances from that really pretty girl in the audience. Smiles. Lifted hands. Amazingness.

Tonight, I saw God's unfailing, unconditional love take place through a human being. A man divorced his wife over a year ago. She was in the audience. He showed up with his new girlfriend. Trying to show the love of Jesus and be an example to her grown kids, she went up and introduced herself to his new girlfriend. That took major guts. Pride can't get in the way of that mess. That was getting beyond yourself and letting Jesus flow through you. Because it's not about us, it's about God; He wants every soul saved. Because He is relentless.

I want to spend the rest of my life with a drifter. 

Aug 15, 2011

Quick Update on Life

1. I love lists.

2. I'm extremely happy today. I got to sit in Starbucks and read and journal for about 3 and a half hours today.

3. The power of God seen yesterday at church is still blowing my mind.

4. I'm extremely disappointed in the lack of commitment and personal vision in some people. Honestly, it's not about you. It's not about me. It's about God, and His church. When we make it all about us, we lose God's perspective.

5. I'm currently reading 5 books. "Intoxicated with Babylon" (Steve Gallagher). "Visioneering" (Andy Stanley). "Erasing Hell" (Francis Chan). "Treat Me Like a Customer" (Louis Upkins Jr.). And The Holy Bible, inspired by Jesus Christ Himself. Leaders are readers, and I have fallen in love with reading.

6. I'm incredibly excited about life. I'm dating my best friend. She's a prayer warrior, is in love with reading God's word, and loves people. She's a witness. An example of holiness. A genuine Christian. She's my best friend. Looking forward to what God has in store for us. :)

7. I am continually growing in personal vision for my life under God's direction, and it's really fun.

8. I have two semesters left of school. Period.

9. I wrote one of the longest emails today that I have ever written. Updating somebody on my life. Somebody who spoke into my life about a year and a half ago that changed my life forever. I started crying about 3 times during the email. Without this person's sensitivity to the Holy Spirit, I don't know where I would be today.

10. Looking back on my life, I know God has my in the palm of His hand. So many things have been added and subtracted from my life for specific reasons. The people that are in my life now are in my life for a specific reason. People that aren't in my life anymore are not in there for specific reasons.

11. I currently journal in 3 different journals. It's real cool.

12. I'm going to write a book one day.

13. As much as some people think they "know God's plan for my life", only God does. I have mentors for a reason. If you're not my mentor, don't tell me what I'm going to be doing in 5 years. Even if it is in a joking manner. And I say that all with a smile on my face. :)

14. Vision needs experience. I'm all for God's will happening in my life. Sometimes that vision needs to be backed with experience because God doesn't blindly throw somebody into a situation that they can't control or come out the victor.

15. Prayer is awesome.

"Be Holy As I Am Holy"

I'll give props to Steve Gallagher (and God) for the information used in this blog. Excerpt from "Intoxicated with Babylon" from said author.

A.W. Tozer said "We have learned to live with unholiness and have come to look upon it as the natural and expected thing"

Andrew Murray said "Our calling, before and above everything else, is to holiness"

Leighton Ford said "There is no detour to holiness. Jesus Christ came to the resurrection through the cross, not around it."

Even the most careless reader can see that the Bible is against every sin of every kind and degree. The whole design of God was to restore man to His image, and raise him from the ruins of man's fall. 1 Peter 1:14-16 states that "You shall be holy, for I am holy". Look at Christians a hundred years ago, and regardless of a stated religion, you would find Christians that were undeniably dedicated to being separate. For them, holiness was simply a believer's duty ot live in deep consecration to a Holy God. To be a Christian implied a separated life.

"Every person who has the Spirit of Christ living within him will sense a constant prodding toward holiness. Even though there are many teachers who misrepresent grace by inferring it has freed us from God's demand of holiness, the quiet yet strong conviction of the Holy Spirit within a person's heart speaks otherwise. Jesus Christ did not hang on a cross and bleed to death only to have His followers indulge their flesh without concern. He hung there so they could be loosed from the grip of sin and live a life of purity and holiness." - Steve Gallagher

When the scriptures speak of holiness, it is referring primarily to a level of consecration and godliness that grows out of OBEDIENCE and SUBMISSION to God.

Holiness denotes:
1. absence of depravity
2. possession of perfect and supreme love for God
3. purified affections
4. alienation from sin and the world

Holiness does not refer to sinless perfection. That's impossible. However, it does mean one is not under the control of sin, but rather loving God with his whole heart and motivated by genuine love for God.

Andrew Murray said "Though there can be no holiness without separation, there can be separation that does not lead to holiness".
Simply being separate just because it's what the church should do does not equal holiness.
Being separate, however, does lead to holiness.

"One of the greatest misunderstandings I have seen amongst Christians is the unspoken notion that a person can live a selfish, worldly life on earth and then, somehow magically, be transformed through the process of death into a holy, God-loving saint." - Steve Gallagher

Lord, destroy the sin, the self and the pride that is at work within me. No matter what, keep working on me! I want You to mold me, cleanse me and perfect me. Pour out your blazing Holy Spirit on me. Purify my heart. Set me right and keep me right in the midst of this wicked and perverse generation.