Oct 6, 2011

Steve Jobs

*Insert blog about how Steve Jobs changed the world*

*Insert blog about how one can profit the world and lose his soul*

*Insert comical quote using some sort of iWord*

Oct 4, 2011

Called, Separated, Anointed

When somebody is called, they feel that God has picked them out of a crowd.
God has chosen them to be His anointed servant.
To lead. To exemplify. To portray. To be His heartbeat. To do what He commissions.
God calls, so He can use.
He calls, so He can do His will through human beings.
The people that are called are the people He choses from to use.

Many are called. Few are chosen. (Matt 22:14)

I must ask: 
Why are only a few chosen when many are called?
Why doesn't God use everyone He calls?

Well, we were first called to be separate.
Before the call to preach.
Before the call to do music.
Before the call to be a missionary.
Before the call to any ministry.
We were called to be separate. (2 Cor. 6:17)

Being called is but the first step in a lifelong commitment to being chosen.
When telemarketers make "the call" to potential clients, they aren't assuming the person on the other end of the line will accept the call or even listen.
When God places a call on somebody's life, it's up to them to decide what to do with it.

When being separate from the world, one must decide now how to react to any given situation.
Being separate because of a call doesn't mean you must lift yourself up above others to appear closer to God. It doesn't mean you have to shout from the rooftops that you are called.
You just.....are.
Being separate means you can't do certain things. It might not even be sin. But when you separate yourself because you love Jesus, He then can work on you.

The last step is the anointing. Because of your call, your action to that call through separation, God choses to use you. Many are called, yes. However, many do not answer that call because they are not willing to separate.
They are not willing to sacrifice what they want, for His will. For His anointing.
You see, anointed people and people who are used didn't get to where they are by remaining stagnant.
They acted upon their calling.

I got to thinking about this because of a text that I got today from a friend who told me to "keep doing what I was doing".
"Leaders do things very different every day strictly for the anointing. It could be refraining from a movie or saying a certain word....Sacrificing day to day brings a level of anointing that ministers".

I teared up in my Spanish literature class as I pondered these kind words that I appreciated so much.

Lord. Make me Yours. Use me like You want to use me. Let not my pride get in the way of your anointing flowing through my veins. Let me never fail to give You glory first. Help me not to dwell on any accolades. Strip me of who I am and make me more like You. Help me to commit daily to studying You, acting like You, speaking like You, and being more like You in every way I can.

Oct 3, 2011

My World

Your laugh, a symphony. Your smile, the sunrise.

Your heart, the ocean. Your eyes, the galaxy.

You strengthen, renew, lift up.

Complete, arrive, awaken.

Your soft words heighten each scattered thought.
For your heart, my soul has always fought.
A day without you is like a song without music.
I'll carry the rhythm, but without you, I'd lose it.

In my thoughts. In my words. In everything.
So much life. Like arrivals of spring.
So dance with me. I'll take the lead.
We'll take it at the slowest speed.

Words fail when expressing my heart.
But here is the place I'll try to start.
My poetry, a cluttered mess of letters and lines.
My attempts to show how with you, my world shines.

So thank you. For being there.
For simply laughing, crying, talking, joking, singing, and sitting silent. With me.
Just to be with you makes my day. Every day.

My dear Evelyn. You mean so much to me.
You're my world.