Let me begin this by saying that I have no authority to talk about this. I'm not experienced, nor do I have special insight. I just believe God has showed me this to write down for specific reasons.
This blog is going out to everyone, however, I'm going to dedicate it to singles, engaged people, or new married couples.
This crazy world is filled with people that don't get along. In America, half of marriages fail. That's such a sad fact to me. In Proverbs 18, it claims that he who finds a wife, finds a good thing. Matthew 19:4-6 reads "Haven't you read, that at the beginning the Creator 'made them male and female', and said 'For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh'? So that they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate." It's clear that relationships between male and female are important to God. Marriage is important. All throughout the New Testament we see scripture on human relationships.
What I've been seeing in the last few years is this.
What God considers extremely important, the devil attacks.
Marriages are important to God, so the enemy attacks it.
Because we're human, we don't get along with everyone. That's human nature.
Sometimes the best and most important relationship besides God is your husband or wife. This also can be your most difficult relationship. Know why? Because the devil sees how much it could improve your walk with God.
Difficult, yes. But I also see it as the most sanctified relationship a person can have in their life. So yes, there is pain and difficulties associated with marriage. You gotta live with that person every day. Yet, I'm reminded of how the Lord uses marriage to build character in one's life. It's amazing that God can takes something that is so awesome, yet, so difficult, and use it for a Christian's growth in their character. Marriage builds character.
Fight for it. Don't give up just because it's difficult.
To those of us that aren't married: We need to be prepared and get ready to be attacked from the enemy in ways we've never been attacked once we do get married. The enemy sees how great a marriage can be for our Christian walk, so he wants to attack it from the inside out. It's all around us. Open your eyes and begin to make decisions. Decide WHO you want to be in a husband or a wife. Make a declaration to the positive additions to your life you're going to make in order to be a better man or woman.
To everyone else: Work to better your marriage. Don't stop working. Ever.