Jun 18, 2012

The Master and His Plan

This is a time of my life that has presented opportunities that are exceedingly challenging. These opportunities consist of growing pains and learning curves. When God desires to teach me to trust Him, it, ironically enough, takes time. As a human being, I want answers now, in my timing. God's will consists of His timing, His plan, and His answers. Too often, what I want doesn't align up with what God has to offer.

Have you ever tried to teach a four year old something? They get frustrated, want to quit, but you want to show them the benefit of learning. You see the outcome, but they don't. This is how God views our situations sometimes. He calls us to rest in Him. He wants us to put our faith and our failures in Him. During this waiting, trusting, understanding, He is still there. Regardless of our human abilities, His supernatural powers undermine what is humanly possible.

God's love doesn't make sense. Sometimes, His plan doesn't either.
In those times, I truly believe God is teaching me. I act like a small child frustrated with having to learn something. I want answers now. I want this, and I know exactly why I want it. Yet, God is holding something for me in my future, saying  I have something better. He denies our misguided prayers, and we get frustrated at Him. Why? Is He not in control of everything? Why do I get mad when He denies me something that will hurt me? When he has something better. Something more fruitful.

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus shows us how nature doesn't really work, they rely on God. The birds, the lilies, they rely on God. So if I am a child of the Living God, why do I worry? When God is faithful and just. He will protect and provide. He will.

Trusting God is difficult. Sometimes, it's uncomfortable.
The deeper the difficulty, the deeper the trust.
The deeper the pain, the deeper the relationship with God is.

We must believe that God's word is true.

Thank You for the rain
Thank You for the pain
I may not understand the things You do,
But I know that Your Word is true
You don't have to show me why
There were clouds in the sky
But because of the storm I went through, 
I'm close to You