Sep 14, 2009

God's time, or yours?

You know that time in your life when you just know so many things have gone wrong that it seems nothing could go right?
What about those times where everybody seems to be moving in the right direction except you?
Sometimes those moments are necessary in life. It gets you thinking.
Amidst the craziness of school, work, friends, church, other random activities, sometimes we forget about God. Sounds kind of impossible. But it happens, trust me. It's the worst thing to do, too. Sometimes we get so caught up with studying and getting to work on time, we forget about spending time with the One who died on the cross to save us.
I say we, but I mean I. We is just easier to say; and i know that i can't be the only one.
Studies have shown, in a 24 hour period, people spend about 8 hours for sleep, 3 hours for eating, 8 hours for work, 3 hours of internet/tv, and other various hours on other various things for different kinds of people. It doesn't seem to leave a lot of time. When we're focused on work and school, and our "dead" time is being focused on NOT doing anything, it leaves a gaping hole in our spiritual life for the things of God.
We need to cut out some time in our day to just stop and thank God for the things in our life. Praise Him for who He is. Ask what He wants you to do today. Pray for opportunities to witness to somebody, to show them the gospel, to be an example, to find the hungry souls.
If i get a bachelor degree in Nursing and Spanish in college, and never win a soul, my time in college has been a complete waste. I've made up my mind that's not going to happen. It's my personal goal to bring 20 people to church this semester. May seem ambitious, but i don't care, that's what i'm going for. Souls are more important than academics. No, that's not an excuse to do poorly in your (my) studies. But that's the truth. A prerequisite to heaven is not having a BA. I can't stand the thought of getting to heaven and having God ask me what i did, and not being able to say anything. Frankly, it scares me out of my mind. At that point, no excuse is good enough. No earthly possession or gain will be good enough.
Go out and witness to somebody today. Remember what it's all about.
I'll be giving a guy a call today to set up a bible study. That makes me feel better than studying for my spanish essay. Both are necessary, remember. But where are your priorities?
I think i may enjoy blogging again. Whether anyone reads it or not, it may be a way to keep myself in check.
Thanks for the read.

Mark 8:36


Unknown said...

you are right and dont worry your not the only one! I have to remind my self constantly why im doing what im doing...for god!

Unknown said...

you are right and dont worry your not the only one! I have to remind my self constantly why im doing what im doing...for god!

Unknown said...
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