Feb 8, 2010

brokenness assessment

Phew. *lets out sigh of relief* for some odd reason, i completely forgot my username and password to update this piece. thank you gmail retrieval.


Why is it that when a person is broken before the Lord, people automatically assume there's something wrong? When did it become alarming to simply weep at the altar? Sometimes this is the case with christians. Somebody is praying at the altar, and they're completely broken and sobbing, and we think "i wonder what they did", or "i wonder what she's dealing with at home".
News flash. We're all dealing with stuff.
I think more people should weep before the Lord. You know why? That's sincerity. Being "tough" about situations and holding your own without showing your true feelings is detrimental.
When I see somebody come to the altar and cry and pray harder that I've ever seen them, yes, they might be dealing with something, but I view that as simply one step closer to God.
When you're in the presence of God and his anointing falls, it's really hard to keep your composure, in all honesty. What concerns me is the people that you never see show emotion. The people that always 'seem' to have it together. Never cry.
Bro. Kurz really inspired me on Sunday. He challenged us about prayer, bible reading, brokenness, sensitivity, and giving every part of yourself to God.
This week I am challenging myself to look at my own self through God's eyes, and to compare my life now to what He wants.
I am going to assess my "word" and my "number".
Everybody has a word that describes their spiritual live in the category of Bible reading. What's your word? Passionate? Uphill? Lacking? Eager? Hungry? Never? Seldom?
You know your word, or maybe you have an idea on a couple. What if your word was posted on the internet? Would you be ashamed?
These are questions I will be assessing this week.
Everybody also has a number, that describes how many minutes a day they pray. What's your number? 0 min? 15 min? 60 min?
If you don't like your number, change it.
If you don't like your word, change it.

I'm striving to be proud of my word and number.
Remember, if we want to do something, we do it.
We will always do what we value most in life.
If you value work, you work. If you value food, you eat.
If you don't value spending time with God, you won't pray or read your bible.
These are very strong [and very true] statements about daily life as a Christian.
Statements i'm working on personally and will continue to.
Consistency will always outrun complacency. Lord, help me to be consistent.

It's unthinkable, but I still believe.

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