Each day, I realize more and more how much I truly desire the will of God, and how much I truly trust Him.
I am needing direction in my life. Not just “God help me through this day” kind of prayer.
But “God what am I doing with my life?”
It’s funny to be in that situation, because when we put our lives in His hands, he will begin to show us things, but not enough. Because if He showed us everything, we’d either get scared and run away or not believe it would be possible. God’s plans for our lives are bigger than we can imagine.
I feel that God wants more ministry in my life than what I’m going to school for.
Yeah, obviously I’m going to school for a career, and to have stability in my life. But I also feel higher callings to develop ministries.
God has called me to music ministry. But He’s also called me to more. Youth is a new ministry that I’ve developed through the past year in my life, and I feel a burden more each day for them.
Guys in particular.
Last night I teared up during the youth service because 5 youth got up and spoke on “endurance”. They explained: Setting goals, convincing yourself to never give up, facing the fear of failure, difficulties accepting the love of God, and realizing none of us are in this alone.
Last night was dreams being put in to place. Callings being answered. Two of the people that spoke have felt a call to preach.
I can only sit here and begin to tear up again writing this, thinking about how much God is going to use them.
We also had our guys group on sexual purity, and as we all sat in a circle and spoke transparently about this topic, I began to see lives completely transformed. Guys that weren’t interested in church before, suddenly call and text me with scriptures and thoughts on this thing called “Christianity”.
I can’t help but feel extremely proud for those striving for the high calling.
I can’t help but appreciate those who answer the call to complete holiness. Even when it’s easier not to.
That’s what it’s all about.
Remember, when you make a decision, take a stand, or answer the call, you will always receive opposition. Whether it be from the enemy or your closest friend.
Be prepared.
It’s not easy to follow God’s call. But when we stop trying to make everything complicated and let God do His job, it suddenly becomes a little more understandable.
I am not my own.
1 Cor 6:20
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