Sep 6, 2010

What if.

Say you're Pentecostal. Say you're baptist, or Muslim.
Take away any and every reservation that you (we) have for the catholic church.
Take away your thoughts that their teaching is wrong, or don't follow the entire bible.
Take away any negative preconceived notion.
They have something that every church needs.
They have one thing that should be implimented (to a degree) in all churches.


What would happen if you knew you had somebody you could tell everything you did wrong. And they wouldn't judge you. But they would pray for you and get you through it.
We as people don't trust people.
Do you have anybody in your life that you can tell anything bad you do? Any thought or action or deed?
Didn't think so.
Why is that?
We are afraid that if we admit we're human, people will think less of us.
People that are "perfect" scare the mess out of me.

If you had somebody in your life that you knew you could tell something and they would never tell anybody, it would change you. It would help you deal with your problems. Deal with those dark corners in your life thy nobody knows about.
By simply telling somebody, it helps you to start the process of progress.
What if.

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