Jan 6, 2011


1. the act of reflecting or the state of being reflected.
2. an image; representation; counterpart.
3. a fixing of the thoughts on something; careful consideration.

How does one reflect? What does one reflect?
Well, according to Matthew 7:16, one will be known by their fruits. So, what they "reflect" in their life, or by the fruits they produce, they will be known.
So what we reflect in our daily life is the same thing as producing fruit.
The fruits of the spirit are: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control.
Is your life reflecting a patient, joyful person who exudes faithfulness? If not, chances are your reflection is a bit blurry.

I want to aim to reflect Jesus in my life. Salvador quotes it perfectly in their lyrics that read "Lord, let me shine, shine like the moon, a reflection of You".
I want to shine like the moon. Without the sun, we would never see the moon. Likewise, I don't want to shine by myself, I don't want to be anything unless Jesus is shining through me.

At Apostolic Truth Church, SURGE Student Ministries will be starting a series called "What Does _____ Look Like?"
We will look at issues such as faithfulness, holiness, love, christianity, etc. We will be speaking on topics like "What does love look like?", and dig deep in scriptures with the students to find out what true ____ looks like. Fill in the blank for whatever you're struggling with, question, or want to know more about.

This will be the start of Reflections of an Intentional Life.

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