Apr 6, 2011


This past Sunday, our first impressions team at ATC had a meeting about communicating with people. Pastor Soto presented some information from the book "Everyone Communicates, Few Connect" by John Maxwell. I'll share some of my notes from this meeting.

First of all, connecting with people is not just for pastors or corporate people. Its for Everyone! The enemy of connecting is is the thought "it's all about me"
People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care. When you're trying to
connect with somebody, they're going to subconsciously ask 3 questions.
3 questions they ask:
-Do you care for me?
-Can you help me?
-Can I trust you?

Connecting goes beyond words!
You cannot just speak the message. You have to BE the message.

Dont do:
-Don't assume.
-Don't be arrogant.
-Don't be indifferent.
-Don't control.
-Speak the guest's language, not church language or cultural slogans they may not understand.
-Don't talk too much or too fast.

-You go first. Initiate communication.
-Find common ground.
-Be available.
-Be a good listener.
-Be thoughtful.
-Be adaptable.
-Get in their world.

Getting ready to be a pro.
-Focus on others.
-Expand your connecting vocabulary.
-Martial your energy to connect.
-Gain insight about how great connectors connect. As the meeting was closing, I received one of the highest compliments. After the previous point was stated, the gentleman sitting next to me said "thats why I hang around you, you can connect with anybody". Wow. I can only hope to be an example and better myself every day at connecting.

So, do you connect with people? You can't be a soul winner if you don't connect with people. Get in their world. It's not about you, and it's surely not about me. It's about people who need Jesus. Initiating conversation with a complete stranger may be difficult for you, especially considering the fact that 2/3 of people are actually natural introverts. Practice! Start talking to people. With the friends you already have, start having REAL conversations - ones that actually mean something!

You can do it. Make a decision to connect.
Everyone communicates.
Few connect.

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