Ever had a goal that you made and didn't accomplish?
Maybe you decided to get really good grades, and a bad test ruined your drive to study. Maybe you had a goal weight you wanted to be at and a bad weekend pushed you in the opposite direction.
I am currently training for a marathon. I had a bad week. Little running, and the running I did do wasn't really productive. It's easy in my mind for me to thing "well, I didn't do well on this week, so there's no point in trying now." This mentality is more common than we realize. Dropped goals because of unmet benchmarks. Failed exams because of bad homework grades. It's everywhere.
In that moment, I must reel back from everything my brain is telling me to do: stop. I must jolt my body into a realization that it's possible to keep going. I have to prove to myself that I CAN do it. When I have a bad week running, I can't quit. I'm committed. I will be running this marathon. I will complete it.
You see, it's easy to take this mentality into my spiritual man. Maybe I have a goal to read more or pray more, then don't meet that goal, so I stop altogether thinking its not worth it. I somehow have concluded that by reading God's word or praying, I can be more spiritual; therefore God's love being conditional. Brake check. Wrong.
I actually can't do anything or not do anything to change God's love. So, I cannot believe the lie that once I have made a mistake or had a bad week, it's pointless to try anymore.
I have to look the enemy square in the eye and say I WILL continue. I will be victorious.
When failure comes to my life, I cannot say "well, I might as well keep sinning".
It's easy to say "well, I am 10 minutes late to class, so might as well not show up".
But when it comes to our spiritual man, we must be VIGILANT about attacking that mentality, and waking up accepting grace, mercy and love.
The enemy may have won a battle, but I have the opportunity to win the war.
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