Many things can. But some things can't.
Some things are unstoppable. That is, in my mind.
At times i have things in my mind worked out, but haven't verbally talked it through.
Questions still permeate my core.
How can one express through words that which cannot be said, but merely felt?
The first time I ever got pulled over, I was going the wrong way on a one way street.
Life generally is two way streets. Make sure you know what kind of road you're traveling on.
I'm a big fan of my heart racing, for many reasons. I'm all about adventure, thrill, adrenaline. Anything i can get into that involves such things, i will. That's why i'm never scared of roller coasters, and one day I will go sky diving.
Sometimes it doesn't take jumping out of a plane to get a rush, sometimes its just a smile.
What i try not to do is jump before making sure my parachute is strapped on. Preparation = key to life. Go with the flow, live life to the fullest, sure. But without a string to hold down the kite, the kite would fly out of control. I pray for the string to guide my life. I pray for those around me. Although i may not know what others' kites are being held by, I maintain mine in hopes it'll fly higher than it could ever by leading it alone.
Direction, prayer, and worship has guided my life throughout the past few weeks. It's amazing what happens when you pray [every day].
Things can just, change. On a dime. You begin to realize things. Notice things. Complacency fades. Priorities are edited.
As Microsoft Word gives us a great example, I want to "save changes".
I want to continue this path that i'm on. Life is a highway. And i want to ride it.
This is the journey. He said he misses the thrill. I'm in the thrill. And i love it.
The not knowing. The pursuing. The reaching. The sending. The hopes. The pure joy. Occasional affirmation. It's all good.
Your eyes are proof enough that there is more to life than chasing fairy tales that change like butterflies.
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