Maybe you've been a part of journey on a road in common with others.
Then you maybe realize that you need to take an alternate road.
But. You've been on that road for a while. You can't just leave them hanging.
But. Wonder if they're on the wrong road. Maybe you've found a better road. A, say, cleaner; less hazardous road.
Don't worry about the others. Go for the gold. No use settling for bronze.
Don't criticize those searching for a deeper walk with God.
Some people fear drawing closer to God and taking a step of faith in Christ because they're scared of what others might think.
"Oh well i know what he/she did last week, so that's just an act"
"We'll see how long this lasts......"
"He/she is just being condescending"
Do not look down upon those struggling. More so, don't look down upon those who make steps to better their spiritual life.
If they make a personal decision not to do something, not to partake in a popular joke, not to listen to certain things, or TO do certain things, like prayer or bible reading, don't criticize them. They'll get a blessing. Not you. But you will hurt them. Please, be aware of what you say.
Yet praise Him.
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