Jan 23, 2013

3 Facts

Fact 1. My identity is created by, founded in, and redeemed by Christ.
The very being of who I am, my body, my soul, my eye color, everything. He created it. Before He even formed my physical body in my mother’s womb, He tells me that He knew me (Jer. 1:5). My thoughts, my likes, my dislikes, my shortcomings, He knew. That didn’t make Him stop loving me. Although He knew I’d fail, His love remained. My identity is founded in Christ. It must. When my identity is shoved to the back of the bus by things I create, my Creator is left out. When my identity is grounded in things of this world, the Creator of the world questions me, I’m sure. Jobs, money, relationships, hobbies, all playing for keeps on the seat of my heart. They all want #1. We’re supposed to seek first the Kingdom of God. I shouldn’t be anxious. I shouldn’t worry. My treasures shouldn’t be in this world (Matt 6). Yet, my Lord and my Savior pulls for my heart so He can be the one true love. My identity shouldn’t have competitors. My identity should be founded in solely in Christ, and in Christ alone. Not only is my identity created by Christ, founded in Christ, but it is also redeemed by Christ. Everyone is in need of Christ’s redemption. It frees us from guilt. It gives us eternal life. It gives us peace. It leads to righteousness. It leads to us being filled with His Spirit. To be redeemed is to be forgiven, reconciled, adopted, free, justified, holy. After Jesus redeems us, we should make a move towards him.

Fact 2.
I need to make decisions that reflect a love for the Creator.
Everything that I do can be an act of worship. Going to work. Listening to music. Eating with friends. Talking with co-workers. Ministering to others. Listening. Guiding. Teaching. Learning. Studying. Acting. Singing. Everything can be an act of worship. Who I have on my list of Facebook friends can be an act of worship. Each decision I make reflects my relationship with Christ. If I truly have been crucified with Christ, I should live by faith, not in the flesh (Gal 2:20). Each decision I make can show where my fidelity is entrusted. I cannot serve two masters. I will love one and hate the other (Matt 6:24). There’s no denying that fact. Micah 6:8 gives us special insight as to how we can make decisions on a daily basis to serve our true Master, Creator, and Savior. 1. Seek justice. 2. Love mercy. 3. Walk humbly with your God. 3 directions that doesn’t seem too difficult, but every day my actions will reflect my belief in those instructions. When we actively participate in sin, our actions do not reflect a love for the Creator. When I don’t make Him #1 in my life, my actions don’t reflect a love for the Creator. When my lifestyle is a lifestyle of worship that points the world back to Him, this reflects a love for the Creator.

Fact 3. I must find relationships that help me walk closely with God. If those relationships cause me to question 1 and 2, they're no good.
The people we associate ourselves with could be incredible or detrimental to our walk with God. Those we spend our time with should help us point our lives to Jesus. Those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, right? But, those who live according to the spirit set their minds on the things of the spirit (Rom 8:5). What people think about will eventually come out in their life. Jesus simply asks that we don’t forget His teaching. That we do the will of the Father. Is this too hard of a request?  But yet, we try to deceive ourselves, thinking that hanging out with certain people isn’t that big of a deal. That we can handle it. *Spoiler alert* Do not be deceived: Bad company ruins good morals (1 Cor 15:33). The Bible tells us that iron sharpens iron. It doesn’t say that iron is sharpened by duller materials. Proverbs 13:20 also tells us that whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm. This should be a wake-up call to all believers. If your group of friends is not encouraging you to grow closer to God, seek out some new friends. I’m 100% for having friends that are unbelievers. In fact, it’s essential. But those you allow to influence your life could have the possibility of determining your eternity. A boy isn’t worth it. A girl isn’t worth it. Your ultimate goal of making it to Heaven should be our priority in life, not winning the popularity contest. Most “friends” will pass away once you’re not seeing them in class every day. We must reach out to the hurting, the lost, and those that need Jesus, and point them to the Cross.

Jeremiah 29:11
“For I know the plans I have for you”, declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.