Dec 13, 2011

Piano "lessons"

As a piano teacher (and I'm guessing any teacher has this same experience), I see kids that want to learn, but don't have the drive to actually put effort into it, and it's frustrating.
When I give a student a lesson and something to work on that week, I expect them to practice it.
One of my students is currently on their 4th week on the SAME worksheet because they haven't practiced it. :/ It's frustrating to me because I want them to continue and to progress.

Then, God spoke to me in His soft voice. But His words make me literally stop what I was doing and reflect on what He said.

He asked me the question How many times have I given you a test, and I have to keep sending you the same tests because each time, you haven't learned from the last time?

Wow. Convicted. It's so true though. Too often we have to keep repeating the same tests because we don't learn. God wants us to learn. He's disappointed because he wants us to continue and to progress. He wants to move on to bigger and better things. He's waiting on us to learn.

Dec 6, 2011

11 unprofessional suggestions

I'm by no means an expert in handling stress, busy schedules, or conquering multiple projects.
I am, however, learning how to do it. 
Here's some of my very inadequate and unprofessional advice. 

  1. Stay off Facebook and Twitter. If you have a ton of homework, nothing will distract you more than checkin' out your Facebook, getting lost in tweets, and just plain creepin' on people. Heck yeah, it's fun, and chances are, you may even let yourself believe the lies that you try to tell yourself. Example: I'll only go on for five minutes (....40 minutes remember your convincing story). If it's for an extended period of time, deactivate your Facebook (they'll let you come back). Deactivate your twitter (you have 30 days to come back).
  2. Prioritize. If you have something due tomorrow. Work on it today. If it's due in 2 days, work on it tomorrow. Regardless of how big the project is, get done what is due first. It'll work every single time. If it's not that big of a paper, project, etc, still do it first. Get it out of the way if it's not that big of a deal. 
  3. Lose some sleep. Normally you won't see this in professional advice. I'm not professional. Honestly, I see it this way, you have an extra 10 hours during the night to get stuff done. You can suffer one day of tiredness. Fact: your body will readjust after just one night of a regular sleep schedule. Don't feel like you need three days to catch up on sleep after one night of a lack of sleep. I don't suggest pulling all nighters. Set a time where you HAVE to be in bed, i.e. 1am or 2am. With most people, if you get at least 4 hours of sleep, you can function. Act accordingly. Get your stuff done. 
  4. For tests: (again, unprofessional advice), regardless if you've studied a ton or haven't studied a lot, review the material right before your test. As soon as you get your test, scan the test for familiar topics or questions that look identical to your study guides, books, or previous tests/quizzes.
  5. Make lists. I don't care if you're not a list person. Make a list. I survive off of lists. It helps me to prioritize my current happenings and it gives me a sense of accomplishment when I can cross something off my list. 
  6. Learn to say no. If you can't hang out with somebody, participate in an event, or accomplish a task somebody is wanting you to do, ...take the drugs method.....just say no. Chances are, they'll be offended, or they won't. 50/50 chance. Either way, you have to get your stuff done. 
  7. Don't forget about the people in your life. Human relationships will help you deal with the stress of a busy workload or schedule. If you focus 100% of your energy on work, school, or whatever you're doing, you'll burn out. Take time to talk on the phone, text somebody, or hang out for a little bit. Human interaction is the spice of life.
  8. Embrace silence. We live in a loud society. Music. TV. Random noises. Don't be afraid to simply drive in silence. It's good for you sometimes. 
  9. Pray. (in no way are this in order of importance) Having Jesus in your life is one of the best ways to deal with stress. Tell God exactly how you feel (yes, you can talk to him like you talk to your best friend...hello..?)
  10. Know your food and drink vices. Espresso is mine. Once again, un-professional advice. If coffee helps you focus, if gum helps you think, if caffeine is your friend in troubling times, indulge. Get what you need to get done.
  11. When the stressful times are done, take. a. break. Period. 

Yeah. Anyway. 

Boyte out.