Jan 24, 2010


Two words: Andy Mckee.
If you've never heard of him, check him out. He has the most relaxing music in the world. His sweet guitar melodies can make you go away 'drifting'.

Church was fantastic this morning and tonight. This morning, learned about faith. Today, learned that God has my back. Tonight, learned about respecting the house of God. Incredible worship services and altar calls. And it's altar, not alter.

Word to the wise: don't break a 7 day Daniel's fast on a chinese buffet.

Word of the day: chortle.

I love laughing until I cry.

Pray for your friends. It seems like, 'duh'. But seriously. Pray for those close to you, it will make you feel more connected. And it's also a good idea for them too. We all could use prayer.

I can't wait to donate plasma. Hopefully this week.
And i still need a new wallet.

Rambling done.

Psalms 91

Jan 23, 2010

Why should I, when Jesus is my portion?

Ever have those moments where you don't have a clue what you're doing in life?
People you just can't seem to figure out?
Chord charts you just can't seem to find?
Blogs that most people don't read?
Problems you just can't seem to solve?
Knuckles you just can't seem to crack?
Socks that just seemed to grow legs and walk away?
Cars that will never be perfect?
Bible verses that you can't figure out to save your life?
Song lyrics that you can't seem to finish?
Races that seem so far out of your grasp?
Physique that's just unattainable?
Understanding you just can't seem to find?
Mind games?
Voice of God vs. voice of reasoning vs. voice of flesh?
¿Amigos que están fuera, pero también dentro?
Facebook friends that you've never met?
Picture frames that still have no pictures?
Friends in other cities, states, countries?
Battery life that just never seems to cut it?
People that can't seem to let it go?
People that just don't understand?
Insecurity diced with confidence?
Books that still have to be read?
Walls that are still barren?
Never knowing what could/would have happened?
The outfit you've never worn?
The key that always sticks?
The piano that's out of tune?
Pillows without cases?
Health without insurance?
Broken strings?
Fixed items that can't be brought home?

This isn't me complaining, it's me being transparent. These are [random] things that people deal with and question. Yes, i am questioning, but not all of these are mine. But people will question, somewhere, one day. Ever just have those moments? Those ideas? Those questions? Those lost moments?

During these questions. You must ask yourself. Where are your priorities? What's most important to you from-out of-during-in life? Are these problems going to hold you down, or cause you to rise? Will you realize you have it better than 80%?

So, who are you? Who will you be?
Targets that are clear out of range can be shot at, but they will be missed.
Carpe diem.
Have you tried leaning on the everlasting arms, or coming to the Master as you are?
Jesus said follow Me, and let the dead bury their dead.
The birds of the air do not sew nor reap nor gather food in bards, for their heavenly Father feeds them.
The lilies of the field do not toil nor spin, and even Solomon was not arrayed as these.

"Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble" - Jesus

take it slow.

yesterday's post was for thursday!
so this is for today (saturday) and friday :)

When I think of the goodness of Jesus and all he has done for me, my soul cries out hallelujah! When I think about the Lord, how He saved me how He raised me, how He filled me with the holy ghost, how He healed me to the uttermost, when I think about the Lord, how He picked me up and turned me around, how He placed my feet on solid ground, it makes me wanna SHOUT hallelujah, thank you Jesus, Lord you're worthy of all the glory and all the honor and all the praise!

If you've never done a Daniel's fast, it really is rather difficult. I think in some ways it's almost easier doing a total fast. With the Daniel's fast, you need to be constantly aware of what you're putting in to your body. Foods to avoid: meat, dairy (any animal product), any sweeteners, any soda/coffee/tea, processed food, any leavened bread, fried food and solid fats. SO, that's a lot to take in. Foods to include: fruits, veggies, whole grains, nuts, seeds, legumes, quality oils, and various spices.

This is time to put our worldly flesh in submission to the will of God. Honestly, i've wanted to quit this 7 day daniel fast like 50 times throughout this week, but I said no. I've lasted this far and there's no use quitting now.

I'm getting excited for my future. My future has eventual goals (work, marriage, prosperous life, etc, you know, the norm), but goals are ambiguous. My life is so in the hands of God, and each of my future goals are totally dependent on Him. Now, the journey. Yes. The journey. That's the fun part. *break for musical interlude*
K. just had to listen to Ahmir sing for a second. Where was I? Oh. Yes. The journey. In the words of Miley Cyrus, ''it ain't about how fast I get there, ain't about what's waiting on the other side, it's the climb''. Not a big Miley fan, but I am a fan of good lyrics (and them are good lyrics). I have a tendency to look to far into my future. For example, what classes should i take this semester? i need to get this many to graduate, then i want to get out by this date because i wanna be out of school by this day...etc. Yes, planning is a good thing. But rolling with the punches is good too. College is a time where you have to be yourself and live life to the fullest. I'll eventually get out and live the rest of my life in the "real" world. But I also have the choice to let God lead me and guide me. I'd rather err on the side with the Big Man. So if you're in my life, and i'm in your life, lets not worry about what's gonna happen 5 years from now. Let's worry about what we're doing today! God's my primary focus! Ultimate goal=heaven. The rest will play out!
Maybe i'm rambling, idk. It's early, so it's possible.
Anyways, "Jonathan" project @ church today (more on that later), and a bible quizzing event this morning! :) fun times.

Remember, we're just ordinary people.

Jan 22, 2010


i love my friends, seriously. they are all great people.
casey wells seriously makes me laugh every day of my life. I DID LIKE 40 CRUNCHES TODAY!
great youth service tonight. 3 years ago i said i'd never worship lead (that obviously didn't hold up lol). and i also said idk if i could ever preach or teach (if there's a difference), and i spoke in youth tonight. we'll see where that goes.
thanks be to God.

day four of daniels fast.
it's agonizing. it really is.
now help me dance the dance of freedom

Jan 20, 2010


Me and corey played some intense racquetball today. Always love a good workout.
What always gets me about fasts is the determination of the devil to make you have a bad day. The day you start a fast is the day the enemy engages in spiritual warfare.
I think the mind is the most common place for spiritual battles to begin and take place. Be encouraged! This means you're on the track. If the enemy doesn't bother you, that's when you should be scared. Satan isn't worried about lukewarm people, because they pose no threat to him. But, those that read the Word of God, pray, and diligently search to walk in the will of God are a triple threat!
Thus, the enemy will engage in a full on mental attack to seek and destroy those trying to do what is right. Really, satan? Go to hell. Literally. Hah. No, seriously.
Lord, I pray that I wake up every day with your glory on my mind and seek to do your will throughout the day.
The. Devil. Is. A. Liar.

Thought of the day: what would you truly do if you knew you could not fail?

I am pure at heart simply trying to do the right thing and follow code of conduct of 'what you're supposed to do'. I'm honest, and whole-heartedly try to keep God my number 1 priority in my life. I try not to let things bother me, try not to let them worry me, and try to stay on task of when to do what. I try to guard my heart and guard the heart of others. I want to give respect, be respected, and let respect be contagious. Tid bit of info about yours truly.

Jan 19, 2010

40 Days of power

Jan. 18th/19th

So, I've decided to blog throughout the 40 day fast. Apostolic Truth Church is doing a 40 day fast together. It's not a total fast, but rather various fasts. Such fasts include the Daniel's fast, media fast, 12 hour fasts, etc. Some may choose to do all one fast, or many fasts, or a conglomeration of it all, such as myself, fasting certain things for the entire 40 days, yet doing various 3 day fasts throughout the 40 days.
This is 40 days of POWER.
Monday night prayer was powerful, and I was so glad I went.
Starting the 1st of January, I made a pact with myself to read my Bible every day. It literally has changed the way I go about my day. If you've never tried this, do it. God is on my mind throughout the day so much more, and I can deal with spiritual battles in the mind a lot better.
I am already rejoicing as to what's going to happen after these 40 days, in the church, and personally.
The goals for the 40 days of power are: repentance, restoration of Apostolic convictions and power, healing, forgiveness, deliverance, submission, baptism of passion for the work of God, tear down strongholds in mind, faithful church attendance, faithful in tithes and offering, and faithful in worship.

This first week my brother and I are doing the Daniel's fast along with most of the church. We're alone at the house! The parentals are at Because of the Times. We are having some great broseph time, nonetheless.

That's all for tonight folks! More to come throughout the next few weeks!

Random thought of the day:
"Eve was not taken out of Adam's head to top him, neither out of his feet to be trampled by him, but out of his side to be equal with him, under his arm to be protected by him, and near his heart to be loved by him" - Matthew Henry