Nov 24, 2010

Minor confessions from a major musician

By minor, I don't mean not important. 
And by major, I don't mean important. 
Please dont take it the wrong way. 

The other night at church, we had a blowout. I was on the keys, doug on bass, Casey on drums. 
The music was crankin'. People were worshiping. And kept worshiping. Bro. Soto came to the mic and said everyone needed to keep praising and get their blessing. 

As for me, I stayed on the keyboard. 
You see, generally the main instrument of the worship set has to be the constant. 
It's difficult to move in the spirit when you have to pay attention to everyone.
Watch the drummer and bassist. Make sure we're in time. 
Watch the preacher, so when he advises to stop playing, everyone stops. 
Listen. Watch. 
Essentially there's no time to get a personal blessing. 
What if you feel to go pray for somebody? Can't do it. If you just stop playing it'd kill the spirit for people. Can't get another keyboardist, the other three are crying and praying for other people. 
So, what to do. 

Personal blessings must come when you're not on an instrument. You must get your blessing when you're not at church. 
That's when personal prayer time and devotion steps in. 
Pray when you have a chance. 
Cuz when you are on the platform, the church is relying on you to not be a distraction. 

When you are on the platform 19 out of 20 services, you cannot rely on church to help you in your walk with God.
You have to develop your own walk with God. Outside of church.

Nov 17, 2010

Amazing Love

I can't really describe the intimacy of love. I can merely mimic what I've been shown by a Savior who is the best example of unfailing, irreplaceable, and
During the past few months, I have fallen in love with Jesus. More than I ever have in my life.
Mock it. Laugh at it. I don't care.
Being broken on a continual basis and desiring His will for my life more than anything in this world is what gets me through the day.
If you claim to be a Christian, and don't act like it, Jesus says you are no part of Him.
If you claim to be a Christian, and love the things of this world more than Him, you are not a child of light. You are part of darkness.
Chilling. Haunting. So true.
That's why loving Him is so much easier.

When we love Jesus, we can't sin. The moment that we sin, our desire to sin takes over the love we have for Him.
When we sin, the sin is more important than the one who died for our sins.
When we ignore Him by not praying and not reading the Word, we show God that our "important" and "busy" are more meaningful than our relationship with Him.
You wouldn't think about not calling the guy or girl that you love for a few days because you "got busy".
Nobody would say "Gosh, I really had to go to the bathroom today but I just couldn't fit it in my schedule"
It sounds funny, I know.
But what we think is important, we will do.
If you don't value reading God's Word...aka, the won't read it.
If you don't value praying, you won't pray.

Too many times we say "God, please move in this service", or "God, please move in my life"....while, Jesus is actually waiting for us to move. How much are you willing to commit? How much are you willing to be faithful?
If you check your facebook everyday, you've become accustomed to getting in the habit of checking facebook.
What about your relationship with God?

I can't help but to cry in the presence of God. I can't help but to love love. I can't help but to love reading the Bible. It's exciting. When you truly fall in love with God. (and you know when you're in love with Him and when you're not), it's amazing. It'll change your life.

Nov 3, 2010

Por Vos

This is probably the prettiest song/poem I've experienced in my life.
It echoes perfectly my sentiments for the love of my life- Jesus Christ, who is my Savior and changed my life.

Listen to the song along with the lyrics (translation below lyrics)

Amor De Mi Alma

Yo no naci, sino para quereros;
Mi alma os ha cortado a su medida;
Habito del alma misma, del alma misma os quiero.
Escrito esta en mi alma vuestro gesto;
Yo lo leo tan solo que aun de vos me guardo en esto.
Quanto tengo, confiesso yo de veros;
Y por vos naci, por vos tengo la vida,
Habito del alma misma os quiero.
Y por vos e de morir,
Y por vos muero.
Por vos.

Lover of My Soul

I was born to love only You
My soul has formed You to its measure
I want You as a garment for my soul
Your very image is written on my soul
Such indescribable intimacy, I hide even from You
All that I have, I owe to You
For You I was born, and for You I live
I want You as a garment for my soul
And for You I must die
And for You I give my last breath
For You