Jan 19, 2010

40 Days of power

Jan. 18th/19th

So, I've decided to blog throughout the 40 day fast. Apostolic Truth Church is doing a 40 day fast together. It's not a total fast, but rather various fasts. Such fasts include the Daniel's fast, media fast, 12 hour fasts, etc. Some may choose to do all one fast, or many fasts, or a conglomeration of it all, such as myself, fasting certain things for the entire 40 days, yet doing various 3 day fasts throughout the 40 days.
This is 40 days of POWER.
Monday night prayer was powerful, and I was so glad I went.
Starting the 1st of January, I made a pact with myself to read my Bible every day. It literally has changed the way I go about my day. If you've never tried this, do it. God is on my mind throughout the day so much more, and I can deal with spiritual battles in the mind a lot better.
I am already rejoicing as to what's going to happen after these 40 days, in the church, and personally.
The goals for the 40 days of power are: repentance, restoration of Apostolic convictions and power, healing, forgiveness, deliverance, submission, baptism of passion for the work of God, tear down strongholds in mind, faithful church attendance, faithful in tithes and offering, and faithful in worship.

This first week my brother and I are doing the Daniel's fast along with most of the church. We're alone at the house! The parentals are at Because of the Times. We are having some great broseph time, nonetheless.

That's all for tonight folks! More to come throughout the next few weeks!

Random thought of the day:
"Eve was not taken out of Adam's head to top him, neither out of his feet to be trampled by him, but out of his side to be equal with him, under his arm to be protected by him, and near his heart to be loved by him" - Matthew Henry

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