Sep 13, 2009


A dance.
A ride.
Music is the sound after rain.
Music is the sound of your heart beat as you pick up the phone to call her.
The sound of hello.
The screams of fans at a concert.
Music is the noise that pervades silence
Books being opened.
The voice in your head as you read this.
Trash being thrown away.
It can brighten a dark day.
It can hide the sun from view.
Dogs barking.
Cats scratching.
Birds chirping.
Your rifle firing.
Music is the sound of the tide washing in, as the water hits the land.
Music changes things.
It's speaks all languages and reaches all cultures.
Music laughs.
It is the power of dividing individuals or uniting nations.
Power surge.
Music can reach across racial boundaries.
Music doesn't have a president, ruler, or earthly king.
You cannot lie to music.
It is always right.
Search the world. You will find music.
Music is found in both Heaven and in Hell.
Music never ends
Music can change the way your physical body reacts and functions.
It holds the song of the living, and of the dead.
It plays all around you.
Never forgets promises.
You will never outlive it.
You will never outsmart it.
You will never outrun it.

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