Nov 29, 2011

Radical Change

Temptation. It's a tricky thing.
You can turn temptation in to a win. Trust me. It's possible.

When looking at James 1:14, it's obvious to see that we are tempted when we become enticed by our own natural desires. The first step in dealing with temptation is recognizing our human tendency to be tempted. We're human. It's bound to happen. Temptation is a given. It will always be there, so don't be caught off guard by it. Instead, expect to be tempted on a daily basis; be prepared for it. 

The NLT translation of 1 Corinthians 10:13 is so cool. It says "But remember that the temptations that come into your life are no different from what others experience." This is a common lie from the enemy, telling you that you're the only one going through this, you're all alone. Lie. Everyone goes through temptation. It goes on to say that "God is faithful. He will keep the temptation from becoming so strong that you can't stand up against it. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you will not give into it".  No matter how hard core the temptation is, God's got your back. He will never let you go through something that He's not able to bring you out of. 

A good measure to take when dealing with temptation is knowing your Word. Hebrews 4:12 says that the word of God is "quick and powerful and sharper than any two edged sword". Sounds like a pretty intense weapon. Temptation is intense, too. It won't just back down; be prepared for a fight. it's helpful to read God's word when temptation comes, sometimes even that's not practical. A better practice is to KNOW the word of God so that when temptation comes, you can fight it with the knowledge of the word. It's easier to quote a scripture when a thought comes than it is to find your Bible, look up in the concordance something dealing with that temptation and reading that verse. If you are regularly reading your Bible, you will have God's full counsel at your finger tips. 

The title of this blog is "radical change". Let me give you a scenario. 
If you're reading a book, and somebody comes and hits your hand with a hammer, that's going to radically change your situation. Chances are, you're not going to want to continue reading the book. However, if somebody simply walks past you and brushes past your shoulder, you might look up at them, but you'll continue reading.
Regarding temptation, I'm not saying slam your body with a hammer. But check this out.
When temptation comes, one of the best reactions is radical change. 
Go for a run, go to a store, call somebody. Do SOMETHING to change your situation. 
When I discuss sexual temptation with guys, I tell them this: "When you want to look at pornography on your computer while it's sitting there in your room, reading a bible verse and going back to bed won't cut it all the time. You need to do something to completely change your situation. Put your computer in the living room. Go sleep on the couch. Call a mentor. Do something different!"

Refocus your temptation with praise. This one's a hard one. When you're tempted, it's going to be easier to dwell on that temptation than it is to think about worshipping God. Sing a song, read a scripture, dwell on a sermon, write in your journal. Find something to do that is an act of worship toward God. Nothing shuts down the enemy's plan faster than you praising God. 

When we do fail and give into temptation, get up. God's mercy and grace is fresh every morning. Each day when you wake up, God is asking you Will you let your past sin go so that we can continue in our relationship? If you look at any relationship, it's a let down when one party brings up past events that has already been forgiven. God feels the same way. He wants you to move on from your sin so that He can continue to love you and love through you to others around you. 
He's waiting on you. 

Recognize our tendency to live in sin.
Run away from sin. God's got our back. 
Make a radical change when temptation comes.
Know the Bible so you can combat the enemy with Truth.
Refocus the temptation with praise.
Repent and move on when failures take place. 

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