Aug 21, 2010

deluge of thinking.

I should update more regularly. Then things wouldn't come out in such random spurts of thoughts :)


Never will I look down on others for not sharing my convictions. It's not my place to judge if God hasn't shown them the same thing He's shown me. And the same goes the other way around. If I'm not convicted about something that somebody is, I don't care to be looked down upon :) I will generally think about it and see if/how it could strengthen my walk with God! Woot.


The Christian atheist is somebody who:
believes in God but not in prayer.
believes in God but not in sharing their faith.
believes in God but relies more on money.
-Just a glimpse of knowledge that's been bestowed upon me by Craig Groeschel.


Some people move on shockingly quick.


I spent $1,600 to fix my car. Dented the mess out of my bank account. But hey. I have an amazing car right now. Thank you Jesus for providing for me through my work ethic.
Aaaallllways remember: Jesus is our Provider, not Santa Clause.


I don't like leaving a conversation thinking I may have entered an argument. I'd rather talk it out! :s


And when you have no words left to say, just say:

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