Apr 14, 2011

Smile, Strength, Hope, and Blackberries

How can I not smile on a day like today?
Rain filled sentiments ensue as I step outside, yet, a glimmer of light. Light not in a literal way, seeing that clouds reign the skies. Light of hope. Hope of a bright future. Future of knowing God is in control.

This day consists of monotony of the education world. Getting "educated", yet somehow I feel that most of what I need to learn will derive from outside of the campus grounds.

This day also consists of smiles. Little smiles that come through little messages through little devices. From the start of the day, I can't help but smile. I live in a world where blessings continue to flow, what's taken from me is eventually understood, and the unknown remains. So I continue to smile.

Know that feeling you get when the light clicks? You eventually understand something. You perceive a possibility. Your goal is approaching. Your brain begins to spin. Been there? I have. Especially lately.

The clock reads 11:23, digitally. Yet, chronologically, I feel like I'm further into the day. With much to do, much to see, much to learn, I continue. Although those which I love the most aren't close to me on an hourly, weekly, daily, or even '30-day'ly basis, I cling to them for strength.

Though I may be rambling in stream of consciousness speech, my thoughts seem clear to me. Like the screen of my messages. Unlike the skies today.

Like the mini segments of a blackberry, my thoughts and friends relate. Tightly knit. Uniquely separate. Undeniably connected. Each with special feelings, experiences and additions.
Comparing intangible aspects with tangible ones can be ambiguous, but that's the point.
As I leave this post. My professor begins to play the theme from Rocky. As he does every class period. Pumping up the class for learning. Woot woot.

Boyte out.


Kris A. NewMan said...

love it. keep on streaming the consciousness. and thanks for leaving me with the rocky theme. all time favorite movie. ever. that man made a generation feel like anything was possible. kind of like another Man i know. write on, sethers, write on!

seth boyte said...

thanks kris :)