Jul 16, 2010

Goals for this semester

1. Last semester, I wanted to bring 15 people to church with me. I failed, by only getting 6.
This semester, I will accomplish that goal of 15.

2. I want to extend my friend list in the area of culture. I want to reach out to minorities, especially the Hispanic and Asian people, of which many attend Oshkosh.

3. I will start the youth choir at church.

4. Get down to weight of 210 (which would be a total weight loss of 40 lbs in 2010)

5. Run a marathon. No, seriously.

6. Develop my daily devotions more. And stick with them.

7. Not argue as much with others (especially my family)

8. Complete the 8 books to read on my list.

9. Get at least a 3.75 this semester.

10. Live life as a true Christian. Inside and out.

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