Jul 12, 2010


Don't get upset when people correct you...when they stop correcting you, that means they've given up on you.

When people confront you, when people try to help you....listen.

Chances are, when you think everybody is wrong, they're right. And you're the wrong one.

Listen. Let people speak into your lives.

Tonight, I had one of those moments. I got confronted, I let that person speak.

Even when you don't want to listen, listen. Even when that person is somebody you don't wanna listen to, listen.

Maybe that person is the one thing keeping you in your right mind.


Listen until it hurts. Then listen some more.

But more than just listen to words. Listen for change. Listen to change. Listen so they can do what God called them to be, so you can be who God called you to be.

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