Jun 18, 2011

Thoughts of today.

  1. Sometimes I’m scatterbrained. But I think sometimes God uses situations to keep me humble. Example: directions. I’m horrible with them. I need my iPhone to get places even in the city I live. I feel like an idiot at times because I don’t know where things are. Another example: when I do a gig and forget half my equipment (okay, maybe not half, but key aspects of the equipment). Then I freak out, go buy the cord I need, only to find out it was the wrong cord....etc etc etc. I truly feel God has those situations in my life to first of all, tell me to settle down, I’m moving at a little too quick of pace, and secondly, to help me realize it’s not about me, but about Him. I know eventually, it’ll work out. I pray for God to keep me humble. Maybe I shouldn’t. Hah. Totally kidding. I want to grow in Him, grow personally, and continue to grow with those around me.
  2. I’m not entirely sure why, but I have multiple email accounts. I only use two of them. But I’m pretty sure I have about 7 active email accounts. I think I’ve created new ones in order to sign up for something, or enter something. But I don’t know most of the passwords, so we’ll see how those end up. I also have about 3 different YouTube accounts, because I had to create a new one due to forgotten passwords. On one of them, I chose the “I forgot my password” selection and the email account it was sent to, I forgot that email password. Let’s just say I have my email and YouTube accounts written down. Maybe I can stick with the same one for the next few months. 
  3. I love my youth group. I seriously do. So many dynamics. So many different walks of life. So many stories. So many connections. I’ve really enjoyed developing some close friendships with some of the youth. People that I didn’t really know a year ago, I’m close friends with now. People that I had never talked to 6 months ago, I have regular conversations with now. Some that thought less of me a couple years ago, now respect me. Some that I thought less of a couple years ago, I now respect. We are bound together by the love of Jesus, similar goals, and fearless leaders named Chad & Tasia Williams who have accomplished more in this youth group than any other youth leader in the past. So privileged to be a part of this amazing group of young people. 
  4. Sometimes I just smile. Randomly throughout the day. Randomly throughout the week. I think of my future. And it’s so vague. It’s so unknown. But I trust in God. I also see glimpses into it. Glimpses of beauty. Snapshots of the people that will be in my life. Snapshots of aspects that will be a part of my future. I’m so blessed. 
  5. Unprecedented happiness. 

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