Mar 6, 2010

Happiness Can Linger

Good times are on the way. I can feel them.
It's been god awful quiet today. For many reasons.
The lack of contact i've had with other humans today has taken a toll on me, mentally. Everybody was out of the house most of the day. And when [they] were there, i wasn't.
I don't want to sound like it's been a terrible day. It hasn't. I've got a ton of things done, and caught up on many things. I'll catch up on sleep later!
Not much calling. Not much texting. Not much talking. Not much interacting. Not much seeing.
A lot of homework. A lot of translating. A lot of analyzing. A lot of facebook stalking. A lot of looking up words in the dictionary. A lot of thinking. A lot of planning. A lot of typing.
Some running. Some drinking coffee. Some driving. Some lifting. Some eating. Some soreness.
Sometimes i hear songs on the radio and throw out the numbers to the chords they're playing. I'm just. Different at times.
I accept it. Sometimes i over-analyze how little variation there is in the top 40 songs. Lyrically; musically.
Current song: 1. 6. 4. 5. 1. 6. 4. 5. 1. 6. 4. 5. 1. 6. 4. 5. 1. 6. 4. 5.

The spanish language is attracting me more and more each day. It's like a relationship. Except i'm doing all of the 'getting to know' part with the language. It's already set. It knows what it likes and has it's own rules. So it's not as fun as. But, still.

For the record. I'm not going to Argentina next semester. I'm sure i'll post about it. Bottom line. It wasn't the will of God. And i'm happy. Good decision.

Can't wait for some sun. And some beach. And some water.

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