May 9, 2011

While it is Night

While working in youth ministry, it's not uncommon to deal with some things that make life hard. One of the hardest things to deal with is parent/student relationships that are wounded.

It's sad to see students become rebels because their parents are simply doing the best job parenting they can. Raise their kids in truth, and place certain guidelines in their lives for their own good.
But you know what's harder to deal with? Parents who simply don't care. No rules for the teens. No convictions. No guidelines. No example set. I'm not talking about unsaved parents. Parents in the church. Who show no desire for their kids to be saved.
This post is dedicated to a good friend of mine.
She four very talented boys. Who, for the most part, do not appreciate her.

The youngest, of who I have began to pour my life into, has the most desire to live for God.
Currently, her second youngest son has ran away, or at least is camping out at somebody's house of whom nobody knows. Police involved.
Is she a bad parent? Of course not.
All her and her husband did was make it a little difficult for her son to live and put a bit of a squeeze on him because of some very drastic choices he's made involving friends, drugs, etc.
They were being the best parents they knew how to be.
And he took it for granted.
I reached out to him to see if I could get in contact with him. No contact yet.

It just saddens me. I want to see him use his talent for God. Unfortunately, complacency has taken a hold of his heart.
Oh, to see him restored.

God sees the nights this precious mother has cried herself to sleep over his soul. God sees her burden. God sees her efforts to raise him properly. God sees.

Psalm 30:5 (KJV) 5For his anger endureth but a moment; in his favour is life: weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.

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